The Stakeholder Identification above was drafted to identify participants that we believe play an integral role in the development of our project. These individuals and organizations will be actively involved and their represented involvement is illustrated in the “Outlining Stakeholder Participation Strategies” chart.
The first stakeholders are ourselves, the team! We realize that each stakeholder plays an integral role in our mission to provide future teams and anyone interested in the prevention and treatment of postpartum hemorrhage with accurate information and safe practices on PPH. It’s our job to ensure that what we provide is not only correct, but simple to understand and benefits others. We will be driven, outgoing, and self-critical to supply factual information to those interested.
The next stakeholders of high importance are future teams and students in the design or development course that may work on this project. We have provided a compilation of information in the form of presentation slides, a website and a video. This can be utilized by other groups to continue the spread of information and treatment options.