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Target Community: You

Our target community are future students and anyone interested in the prevention and treatment of postpartum hemorrhage

Educational Video: PPH

We took an alternative approach with our video assignment as we didn’t have a direct product to create or sell. For that reason, we’ve decided to make a more educational video because there currently is a very limited selection of videos online that illustrate the treatments in relation to the causes of PPH. This can be used to consider treatment options in both developed and developing countries. As you will see in the video, many treatment options are not feasible in a non-clinical setting. We wanted to fill-in the gap of information regarding specifically treatment of pph in a video format because nowadays, people learn through videos.

Outlook: Possible Directions

To the future students and others:

Since we didn't leave a project that can be continued to be worked on, we left a couple of possibilities / avenues for you to consider. We believe that many projects can stem out of the topic of postpartum hemorrhage, so we encourage you to explore.

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